
Communication can include a variety of material used for product promotion, advertising, or other public relations activities. External communication materials can be newspaper advertisements, radio spots, press releases, and television commercials; and in the past decades have broadened to include digital tools like web banner ads and social media campaigns. Communication can also refer to internal communication, as in intra-company memos, campaigns, or presentations; or the personal communication skills that are essential for successful managers and executives.


1-8 of 15 Results
Program includes 6 classroom days.
Aug 29, 2024 - Jul 27, 2024 St. Gallen Short program (5 days or less)
This course runs over 6 weeks with an estimated 6-8 hours per week of study time.
Sep 11, 2024 - Oct 29, 2024 MIT - Sloan Online
Duration: 2 days.
Oct 01, 2024 - Oct 02, 2024 POLIMI GSoM Short program (5 days or less)
In this executive communications program, you'll gain confidence in your ability to motivate and per...
In this executive communications program, you'll gain confidence in your ability to motivate and persuade.
Oct 08, 2024 - Nov 18, 2024 Chicago - Booth Online
Duration: 3 days.
Oct 09, 2024 - Oct 10, 2024 POLIMI GSoM Short program (5 days or less)
Duration: 4 days. Format: Online.
Oct 10, 2024 - Oct 15, 2024 Erasmus - RSM Online

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