Top 10 Executive Courses in Sales

Top 10 Executive Courses in Sales

There are many changes afoot in the world of sales from evolving consumer and customer needs to digital acceleration and disruptive events. One way to get ahead and grasp these rapidly evolving concepts is to take an executive education program. Helsinki to Salt Lake City, the courses are offered by business schools across the world, through a mixture of in person and online learning. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into sharper focus the importance of using digital technology to create new distribution channels and sales strategies to satisfy changing consumer tastes. Therefore, many of the emerging executive courses in sales focus on digital transformation, but not so much on technology but rather people and culture, and how they can benefit the sales function.  

Thus, some of the programs focus on managing a sales workforce in terms of strategy, structure, motivation and performance management. But many will focus on the technology behind sales itself, including data analytics, with companies spending millions of dollars to collect and analyze their data to generate revenue and increase profit. Sales analytics is also about uncovering how salespeople can improve their own performance. 

Another area of focus is on ethics and how to make sound decisions, not solely based on economics. Here are the top 10 courses that encompass all of this and much more. 

Boston, Massachusetts

Harvard Business School puts on the “Managing Sales Teams and Distribution Channels-Virtual” executive program in sales, delivered fully online over 10 days and focusing on how digital technology is creating new distribution channels, customer demands and sales strategies. Participants will improve their ability to optimize sales outcomes. 

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Salt Lake City, Utah

David Eccles School of Business runs the Ethical Marketing for Successful Sales program, which is an exclusively virtual program that lasts for 12 weeks. It focuses on making good and ethical marketing decisions to contribute to the overall success of sales teams and the wider organization. 

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Toronto, Canada

The Rotman School of Management offers the Enterprise Sales Management program. Running for four weeks, entirely online, the course takes an analytical approach to sales. The participants learn how to reduce competitive threats, strengthen client retention and maximize financial returns. 

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Hyderabad, India

Rethinking Sales Force Effectiveness is a three-week online program offered by the Indian School of Business. It explores the changes cascading through sales strategy, talent management, motivation and performance management. Participants learn how to build a sales force culture driven by effectiveness. 

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Helsinki, Finland

Aalto University Executive Education in Helsinki, Finland has its Essentials of Marketing and Sales program. It’s a competitively priced, one-day online program that helps participants build foundational sales knowledge, including marketing communications, value-based selling and structured influencing skills. They leave able to evaluate and think strategically about sales and branding. 

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Coventry, United Kingdom

The UK’s Warwick Business School runs the Digital Transformation of Sales program, delivered in person over three days near London. It focuses not on technology but how to achieve a fundamental shift in organizational culture. Participants learn how the latest digital trends can benefit their own sales function, and how to overcome resistance to change. 

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Lima, Peru

The Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics offers the Commercial and Sales Management course. Participants on this three-month, in-person program delivered in Portugal learn how to maximize customer loyalty and create long-term commercial value by enhancing their sales techniques through improved communication with customers, management of processes, teams and evaluation of results. 

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Fontainebleau, France

The Leading the Effective Sales Force executive program is on offer at INSEAD, a top business school. Delivered over eight days and purely online, participants will learn strategies for generating maximum growth from the sales workforce, whether that’s realigning territories or using compensation systems to motivate people to deliver outstanding results. 

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Cranfield, United Kingdom

The UK’s Cranfield School of Management runs the Sales Directors’ Program, a four-day long, in-person executive course near London. It’s a research-based program that gives participants the tools and skills to develop and lead their sales team and engage customers. They leave the course with a better understanding of how to make sales more productive and profitable. 

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Mannheim, Germany

Germany’s Mannheim Business School has the Marketing, Sales & Social Media Analytics executive program, put on over four days and delivered in person. It’s about how to convert data into improved business performance, by extracting insights through data analytics. Sales analytics is also about understanding where salespeople can improve. Participants will learn all of this, and more. 

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