Top 10 Executive Courses in AI and Machine Learning

Top 10 Executive Courses in AI and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming business and life more broadly. Referring to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that once required human intelligence, AI is being applied to a number of business settings to create new economic value. 

In a data-driven world, executives need a thorough understanding of the power of AI to boost their individual and organizational performance, as well as its ethical implications for wider society and the threats it represents. Indeed, by 2025 the global AI market is expected to be worth almost $60 billion. 

To compete in a tech-driven economy, many business leaders, managers and technical specialists are enrolling in executive education programs—in artificial intelligence or machine learning—now run by dozens of the world’s leading business schools. In these programs, participants will learn about the current capabilities and business applications of the technology, and its future potential. More than that, executives will learn how to manage integration projects and communicate with technologists. There are also lessons to be learnt in avoiding common pitfalls. 

Other courses focus on specific and significant economic sectors such as financial services, where AI and machine learning are driving radical changes in the decision-making processes of financial institutions. Here are the top 10 executive courses in AI and machine learning:

Oxford, United Kingdom

The Oxford Artificial Intelligence Program is offered by the Saïd Business School. Running for six weeks and delivered exclusively online, the course helps managers, business leaders and technical professionals to understand AI and its true potential. They reflect on its implications and limitations whilst building a business case for its implementation in the workplace. 

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Cambridge (USA), Massachusetts

Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Business Strategy is an online executive program from the MIT Sloan School of Management and the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. The course focuses on the organizational and managerial implications of AI rather than their technical aspects. So participants leave armed with the skills and knowledge to lead the integration of AI in business. 

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London, United Kingdom

The Business of AI is an executive education course run by the London Business School. Participants in this course discover how to create significant value and solve business challenges by using AI. They can increase their professional value with a rare ability to connect a powerful technology to hard business results. The 10-week program is delivered online and participants study for 3-5 hours per week. 

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Fontainebleau, France

INSEAD has its Transforming Your Business with AI program, which gives executives a deep understanding of how to deploy AI in business. They are equipped with practical frameworks and templates to work with data scientists and programmers, so they can commission and analyze the work that drives business insights, decisions and strategy. The online course lasts for five weeks. 

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London, United Kingdom

Imperial College Business School offers the AI & Machine Learning in Financial Services executive course. The virtual program equips students with a strong foundation in AI and how to make better decisions using these evolving techniques. Designed for professionals working in finance, including regulatory agencies, the course runs for four weeks. 

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Lausanne, Switzerland

IMD Business School runs the Artificial Intelligence executive education program which helps participants to discover the power and limitations of AI and machine learning, and how to apply it to enhance a business strategy. Participants will draw on real-world examples across multiple industries throughout the world, and leave with the skills to implement AI in their organization. 

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Barcelona, Spain

Artificial Intelligence for Executives is a program put on by IESE Business School. Participants learn how to harness AI as a catalyst for innovation and a source of competitive advantage. Leveraging case studies, they learn to understand the strategic benefits and challenges of AI integrations. Moreover, they will improve their company’s ability to confront the disruptive threats and opportunities being created by AI, studying for five weeks fully online. 

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Berkeley, California
UC Berkeley - Haas

Berkeley Haas has the Artificial Intelligence online executive education program, which lasts for two months in total with 4-6 hours of study per week. Participants learn AI’s current capabilities and applications as well as its future potential. They also learn how to organize and manage AI integration projects and how to communicate effectively with technical teams and colleagues, alongside how to avoid the common pitfalls associated with these game-changing technologies. 

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Toronto, Canada

Artificial Intelligence: An Executive Primer is a course delivered by the Rotman School of Management. It focuses on the economics of AI and the implications for business, with participants learning how to identify opportunities for AI and how to implement them. The course is run by renowned professors in the field of AI who bring their deep expertise to bear in the classroom. 

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Baltimore, Maryland

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Extracting Business Value is an executive education program at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. On this program, participants learn how to identify and harvest value from big data by employing machine learning and algorithms to disrupt their own organizations and industries. It is a three-day course delivered at various locations. 

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