Do You Have an ‘Executive Presence’?

Do You Have an ‘Executive Presence’?

Do You Have an ‘Executive Presence’?

According to the Harvard Business Review, leaders in the C-Suite need to demonstrate a strong degree of executive presence. Traditionally, this has constituted three things: gravitas, strong communication skills, and the 'right' kind of appearance (whatever that is). 

A survey conducted by Sarah Ann Hewlett looked at the criteria for executive presence first in 2012, and again in 2022, and she noticed significant differences over the span of a decade. The first survey targed 268 business executives in the position of director or higher, and the second study looked at 73 business executives. She asked both groups to rank a list of 25 leadership traits in order of their importance. What she discovered, is that the definition of executive presence, or EP, has evolved.

Significant social changes have transpired in the time that separates the two surveys, like Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, and global calls for marriage equality. Hewlett found that these movements have also impacted views on executive presence, placing stronger emphasis on creating more inclusive and emotionally intelligent work spaces that pave the way for business leaders from all walks of life to succeed.

One example of that is gravitas--which, in 2012, was defined by one's perceived confidence and decisiveness. Now, after the more recent survey in 2022, gravitas has been expanded to include respect toward others, listening to learn (rather than to counter) and telegraphing authenticity, to "reflect the weight of weight of diversity, equity, and inclusion" in business strategy.

This can be practiced, not only by hiring from more diverse backgrounds, but ensuring that everyone feels appreciate and respected after being onboarded. 

Another example is the tenant of communication. In 2012, this might have been defined by one's ability to command an audience. But in the not-quite-post-COVID era, digital communication skills have been given significantly more weight. This includes the ability to hold the attention of an online audience, create engaging online presentations, and creating crisp visuals that have clean aesthetics. 

Is your executive education course equipping you with the tools above to create the executive presence you need to succeed?


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