ESMT to Offer EMBA Track in "Managing Business Integrity"

New track will help executives investigate fraud through the use of forensics

ESMT has announced plans to launch an Executive MBA track in "Managing Business Integrity," according to a press release.

To encourage ethical and sustainable business leadership, the track will feature a unique focus on compliance management, corporate governance, and forensics. According to the press release, it "will prepare participating managers to effectively protect corporate assets from damage caused by misconduct and to use strategic compliance management, targeted control mechanisms, and incentive systems aligned with business ethics and integrity."

The track, which is being developed in cooperation with the tax and assurance firm EY, will also help executives track fraud and corruption through the use of investigative forensics.

The 18-month EMBA program also offers tracks in "Innovation and Technology Management," and "International Management."

For more information, please see the ESMT press release announcing the launch of the EMBA track in "Managing Business Integrity."


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