INSEAD to Offer New Corporate Governance Courses in 2014

New programs aimed at owners, directors, and board chairs

INSEAD has announced the launch of two new corporate governance-themed courses in 2014:

Value Creation for Owners and Directors is a four-day executive program aimed at business owners and directors, and will focus on key value creation areas like finance and strategy. It launches out of INSEAD's Abu Dhabi campus in March 2014; a second offering is scheduled for December 2014.

Leading from the Chair is a two-day program aimed at chairs of boards of directors and board committees. It aims to deepen participant knowledge of how board roles are changing, as well as how chairs can leverage their roles to lead more effectively. The first offering is scheduled to launch in March 2014, on INSEAD's Fontainebleu campus.

Additionally, INSEAD will also begin offering its modular International Directors Program in Singpore. The first Singapore offering will start in July 2014.

For more information, please see the INSEAD Executive Education Corporate Governance listing page.


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