INSEAD Executive Education has announced the launch of two new corporate governance-themed programs.
The new programs address topics that are important to chairs of boards as well as owners and directors.
The four-day Value Creation for Owners and Directors program will explore value creation from a financial perspective, as well as ownership strategy and effective organizational structures. Participants will come away with a better understanding of the broader context in which owners and directors operate, and they will be better able to contribute to the creation of a well-oiled board culture. The program is offered in Abu Dhabi beginning on March 23rd; the second offering will also take place in Abu Dhabi starting on October 12th.
The three-day Leading From the Chair program aims to help chairs develop their skills with which they can better lead boards. The course will focus on topics in chair responsibilities, chair competencies, and crisis events. The first offering of this program will take place in Fontainebleu beginning on March 26th. Additional offerings will be held in Fontainebleu this November; and then in June and December of 2016.
For more information, please see INSEAD's Executive Education webpage.
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